Never Give Directions Again: Google Maps on Your Contact Form

Show 'em Where You're At! Adding a Google Map to your contact form is a game-changer. Visitors can find you in a snap, saving them time and you the hassle of explaining directions. Plus, it shows you're a legit business they can trust!

Integrate a Map Directly Into Your Contact Form, Pinpointing Your Location With Ease

The WP Easy Contact Professional WordPress plugin comes with a Google Map integration feature that allows users to seamlessly integrate a map directly into their contact forms. Here are the key features and functionalities related to the Google Map integration:

Google Map Integration:

  • Stand Alone or Component of Contact Form:

    • Users have the flexibility to use Google Maps either as a standalone element or as a component integrated within the contact form. This adaptability ensures that website owners can choose the most suitable presentation for their specific needs.
  • Map Marker Control:

    • Users can enable or disable the map marker on their Google Map location. This control allows for customization based on whether the marker is required for pinpointing the location.
  • Customizable Infobox Content:

    • The Google Map infobox content is customizable, supporting HTML markup. This feature enables users to provide additional information or details related to the location, enhancing the informative aspect of the map.
  • Infobox Visibility Control:

    • Users can choose to enable or disable the map infobox on page load. When disabled, visitors need to click on the map to reveal the infobox content. This control over infobox visibility adds an interactive element to the map.
  • Adjustable Dimensions:

    • The dimensions of the map are adjustable, allowing users to customize the width and height of the Google Map. The map can be configured to adapt to the dimensions of the container or adjusted to specific dimensions as needed.
  • Initial Zoom Level:

    • Users can set the initial zoom level of their Google Map, providing control over the level of detail displayed when the map is first loaded.
  • Marker Title on Hover:

    • A marker title can be set to appear when visitors hover over the Google Map marker. This feature enhances user interaction by providing additional information upon interaction.
  • Map Type Selection:

    • Users can choose the type of map to be displayed, including options such as Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid, or Terrain. This selection ensures that the map's visual style aligns with the website's design and purpose.

The Google Map integration within WP Easy Contact Professional enhances the contact form experience by providing a visual representation of the location. Users can leverage the various customization options to tailor the appearance and behavior of the map based on their specific preferences and requirements.

Simplify Visitor Journeys

Integrate Google Maps into Your Contact Forms Today!

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