Control What They See: Granular Access with Software Issue Manager

Software Issue Manager empowers you to manage access and editing permissions for project, issue, and member fields based on user roles. Choose specific fields that project members can edit or view, providing customizable control over data access and modification.

Set Access Permissions for Each Field in a Project

Field-based access control is a crucial feature within Software Issue Manager, offering administrators a granular level of control over who can view and edit specific fields. This capability enhances security and privacy by limiting access to sensitive information. Key aspects of this feature include:

  1. Granular Access Control:

    • Administrators can define which fields are accessible to team members, managers, directors, and the public.
    • Provides fine-tuned control over who can view and edit specific data fields.
  2. Sensitive Information Protection:

    • Enables the restriction of access to sensitive information by unauthorized users.
    • Enhances privacy and security by preventing certain users from accessing specific fields.
  3. Example Use Case:

    • As an example, access to the "issue author email" field can be restricted for both public users and team members.
    • Once access to a particular field is revoked, these restrictions are applicable in both the frontend and WordPress dashboard editor.
  4. Frontend and Dashboard Consistency:

    • The access control settings are seamlessly applied across both the frontend and the WordPress dashboard editor.
    • Ensures a consistent and secure user experience in all aspects of data access and editing.

In summary, the field-based access control feature empowers administrators to tailor access permissions, safeguard sensitive information, and maintain a secure environment for managing project-related data.

Enhanced Data Security

Grant granular access based on user roles, ensuring that only authorized users can edit or view sensitive project data.

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