Effortless Customization: Design Your Ideal Contact System with WP Easy Contact

Craft the perfect contact form for your needs with WP Easy Contact! Ditch the one-size-fits-all approach. This powerful plugin empowers you to design a customized contact form by selecting only the fields and settings that matter most to you. No more irrelevant clutter – just the information you need to capture leads, nurture relationships, and fuel your success. WP Easy Contact puts you in control, allowing you to create a streamlined contact form that perfectly aligns with your unique business goals. Download WP Easy Contact today and start collecting the information that drives results!

Craft a Captivating Contact Experience That Encourages Visitors to Reach Out and Connect With You

The WP Easy Contact Professional WordPress plugin provides users with a set of customization options through the settings pages, allowing them to craft a captivating contact experience tailored to their specific needs. These settings empower users to control various aspects of their contact manager, including contact fields, relationships, task fields, and relationships. Here are the key features and customization options available in the settings pages:

Customization Features:

  1. Enable/Disable Contact Fields and Relationships:

    • Users can selectively enable or disable contact fields and relationships based on their preferences. This flexibility allows for a streamlined contact management experience tailored to the specific needs of the user.
  2. Enable/Disable Task Fields and Relationships:

    • Similar to contact fields, users have the ability to enable or disable task fields and relationships. This feature provides control over the visibility and relevance of task-related information within the contact manager.
  3. Create Custom Design with Form Components:

    • Users can create a custom design for their contact manager by incorporating one or more form components. These components include elements such as maps, contact forms, and social links, allowing for a visually appealing and functional contact experience.
  4. Set Contact Form Title:

    • The plugin provides users with the flexibility to set a custom title for their contact form. This customization option allows users to choose a title that aligns with their branding or communication style.
  5. Collapsible Terms and Conditions Link:

    • Users can add a collapsible Terms and Conditions link with custom content to their contact form. This feature enables the inclusion of important terms while maintaining a clean and organized form layout.
  6. Custom JavaScript and CSS:

    • The settings pages include options to add custom JavaScript and CSS, providing users with the ability to inject additional styling or functionality to enhance the frontend pages of their contact manager.
  7. Install Missing Shortcodes (Pages):

    • In the event of missing shortcodes or pages, users can utilize the plugin to install them seamlessly. This feature ensures that all necessary components are in place for a fully functional contact manager.
  8. Bootstrap CSS and JS File Loading:

    • Users have the option to enable or disable the loading of Bootstrap CSS and JS files. This control over file loading enhances the compatibility and integration of the contact manager with the overall website design.


  • Users can access the customization options through the settings pages of the WP Easy Contact Professional plugin.

  • The ability to enable or disable contact fields, relationships, task fields, and relationships provides granular control over the displayed information.

  • Form components, including maps, contact forms, and social links, can be incorporated to create a custom design for the contact manager.

  • Custom titles for the contact form can be set to align with the user's branding or communication style.

  • The addition of a collapsible Terms and Conditions link with custom content enhances the user experience.

  • Custom JavaScript and CSS options allow users to inject additional styling or functionality for frontend pages.

  • The plugin offers a convenient way to install missing shortcodes or pages, ensuring a complete and functional contact manager.

  • Users can choose to enable or disable Bootstrap CSS and JS file loading based on their website design requirements.


  • Tailored User Experience: Customization options empower users to tailor the contact manager to their specific needs, creating a personalized and engaging user experience.

  • Control Over Displayed Information: The ability to enable or disable contact and task fields provides granular control over the displayed information, allowing users to focus on relevant details.

  • Visual Appeal: Incorporating form components and custom titles enhances the visual appeal of the contact manager, contributing to a professional and cohesive design.

  • Terms and Conditions Inclusion: The collapsible Terms and Conditions link with custom content allows users to include important terms without cluttering the form layout.

  • Flexibility with Custom Code: The inclusion of custom JavaScript and CSS provides flexibility for users who want to add specific styling or functionality to their frontend pages.

  • Efficient Setup: The option to install missing shortcodes or pages streamlines the setup process, ensuring that all necessary components are readily available.

  • Bootstrap Compatibility: Users can choose to enable or disable Bootstrap CSS and JS file loading, ensuring compatibility with the overall design and theme of the website.

The customization features in the settings pages of the WP Easy Contact Professional WordPress plugin empower users to craft a captivating contact experience that aligns with their branding and communication goals. Whether controlling displayed information, enhancing visual appeal, or incorporating custom code, these options contribute to a flexible and user-friendly contact management system.

Upgrade to Wp Easy Contact Pro & Craft High-Converting Contact Forms!

Unlock advanced fields & conditional logic for a smarter contact form with WP Easy Contact Pro!

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