Ditch manual entry and keep your team details fresh with Active Directory/LDAP sync

Experience seamless team management with WP Ticket's Microsoft Active Directory/LDAP Addon. This powerful tool automates the import and update of your customer service team details, ensuring that the information stays up-to-date.

Automate Agent Information Updates From Active Directory/Ldap

Ensure the accuracy and currency of your customer support agents' and managers' details with WP Ticket's straightforward and efficient interface.

This feature offers seamless integration with Active Directory (AD) and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), providing a reliable method to synchronize and maintain essential information. The key attributes of this functionality include:

  1. User-Friendly Interface:

    • The interface is designed for ease of use, allowing administrators to effortlessly manage and update agent details.
  2. Field Mapping:

    • Agents can map all relevant agent fields to corresponding Active Directory/LDAP fields, streamlining the synchronization process.
  3. Custom Field Mapping:

    • Custom fields within WP Ticket can also be mapped to Active Directory/LDAP fields, ensuring flexibility in handling diverse data.
  4. Compatibility Testing:

    • The feature has undergone testing with various directory services, including Microsoft Active Directory, OpenLDAP, and Apache Directory.
  5. Support for One-to-Many Group Names:

    • Enables the import, update, and deletion of agent data while maintaining associations with one-to-many group names in Active Directory/LDAP.
  6. WP Cron-Based Automation:

    • Automated imports and updates are facilitated through the use of WP Cron, ensuring regular and scheduled synchronization.
  7. Secure Connections with TLS:

    • The integration supports secure connections between WordPress and AD/LDAP servers using Transport Layer Security (TLS), prioritizing data security.
  8. Photo Creation:

    • Agents have the capability to create and manage support agent photos, enhancing visual identification within the system.

By offering a comprehensive solution for syncing agent details with directory services, WP Ticket ensures that your support team's information remains accurate, up-to-date, and aligned with the organization's directory structure. This integration streamlines administrative tasks and enhances overall system efficiency.

Say Goodbye to Manual Data Entry!

Try WP Ticket's Microsoft Active Directory/LDAP Addon today and revolutionize the way you manage your customer service team!

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